Lise Hansen DVM MRCVS CertIAVH PCH is qualified as a veterinary surgeon and a homeopath. She has also undertaken training in acupuncture for animals.
Do you know an itchy dog? I mean a really itchy dog. A dog with recurring hot spots or eczema or someone who seems obsessed with licking his paws till they bleed or who is constantly shaking his head and scratching at his ears?
If you do, you are certainly not alone. Chronic allergic skin disease is one of the biggest health problems in dogs today. No one really knows why. Maybe because we have been burdening our dogs’ immune systems through too frequent vaccinations, maybe because of the highly processed kibble diets, maybe because of in-breeding. The truth is probably a combination of all the above and more factors.
Medical science is not yet able to fully explain why some dogs (and some people) suffer from allergies. Perhaps, the bigger problem is that conventional medical science also doesn’t have a safe and effective way to treat allergies. Dogs, unlike people, don’t often respond to over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines. As a consequence, dogs suffering from allergic skin problems very easily end up on heavy immuno-suppressive medications such as corticosteroids (Prednisolone), cyclosporine (Atopica) or oclactinib (Apoquell). These medicines are purely symptomatic treatment as they do nothing to cure the underlying allergic condition, meaning that in many cases, the treatment is expected to be long-term, probably lifelong. This is a sad and immensely frustrating situation for everyone involved: the owner, the vet and, I am sure, for the dog.

After working 25 years as a vet in small animal practice I can think of no other condition that seems so fraught with misunderstandings and frustration. It was, in fact, one of my main reasons for writing the newly published book (The Complete Book of Cat and Dog Health) to shed some light on the myriad of myths and misunderstandings when it comes to dogs and allergies – the use of allergy testing, the role of diet, of supplements and of symptomatic drug treatments.
Putting a dog on long-term immuno-suppressive medication thinking the problem is solved, is like solving your financial problems by taking out a large bank loan – it makes everything feel better in the short term, but there will be a price to pay unless you use the time to find a sustainable long-term solution. I certainly don’t know a veterinary colleague who wouldn’t agree that the lack of a long-term solution makes these true heart-sink patients for the well-meaning conventional vet who is presented with a pink-skinned itchy puppy knowing that she has no cure to offer, only on-going symptomatic treatment.
If you know an itchy dog, you already know all this of course. You know that medication will help the itch but the price will be high – both in veterinary fees, medicines, side-effects and ultimately, maybe, life expectancy.
Do you know that homeopathic treatment in many cases can achieve, what vets who practice only conventional medicine are taught is impossible? If you ask me to pick one condition where homeopathy excels as the obvious treatment of choice, this is definitely it. Individualised homeopathic treatment can often completely and permanently cure even the most chronic cases of allergic skin disease.
It has been one of the most gratifying experiences of my working life to experience the relief, and sometimes the surprise and even anger expressed by the carers at the last consultation with me, when a dog who has been at the end of the road after years of symptomatic drug treatments is cured within months of starting homeopathic treatment.
As one emotional and irate owner said to me very recently after his dog was cured by a homeopathic remedy: ‘Why was I never told this was possible? Where can I go to shout about this?’ Writing my book was my way of shouting about this. Because people who know itchy dogs deserve to know. Not all allergic dogs will be cured by seeing a homeopathic vet, but very many will.
There you have it. Seeing a vet trained in classical homeopathy is, without comparison, your best chance of finding a lasting cure for your itchy dog.
Make this your new year resolution. Don’t accept that allergy is a problem that requires life-long symptomatic treatment. Look up and book an appointment with a vet near you to make 2020 the year the itching stopped. On behalf of your dog: Thank you!
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If you only buy one book about cat or dog health this should be it. It is comprehensive, easy to read and practical. What makes it particularly indispensable, however, is the advice it contains on treating your dog holistically. Dr Hansen, who is widely recognised as one of Europe’s leading small animal vets, explains the options clearly and succinctly. She considers prevention as well as cure and brings to bear all her many years of experience. If you want to ensure that your dog or cat enjoys optimum health then The Complete Book of Dog & Cat Health will show you how. Published by Hubble & Hattie, a lovely firm!
Article by Lise Hansen.