Pea Horsley first became interested in animal communication when she and her partner adopted a rescue dog, Morgan. Despite all the love, affection and care they gave him, he remained deeply depressed. Moreover, he didn’t like the family cat, Texas, and Texas didn’t like him. Pea, who was in the theatre, had heard about animal communication (although she was a sceptic) but knew very little about it and so went on a number of courses and found she had a natural gift for silent animal communication. She was able to help Morgan and Texas. Pea gave up the theatre and focussed on her gift full time. Here she tells us a little about what she does and offers some advice and tips.
Animal communication isn’t a gift for the select few, it’s based on deep intuition and we’re all born intuitive. It may be that you’re already aware that you can communicate with your dog. Or perhaps your dog is communicating with you but you’re not so skilled in receiving from them – you know those moments when your dog is looking directly into your eyes and you know they’re trying to tell you something but you’re just not getting it.
Thankfully it’s a natural ability we can all recover with practice and skilled guidance.
I know a lot is said about animals living in the moment, and to a large degree that is the truth, but there are also some animals who are stuck in their past experiences, locked in the trauma or confused the circumstances, and these animals need a bit of help to move on.
What is animal communication?
- Often people think that animal communication is based on reading an animal’s body language. But it goes much deeper than this, it’s a direct two-way (silent) conversation with another species.
- It’s nothing new, we all have the ability to communicate with animals, we’ve just forgotten how.
- Animal communication is a non-verbal language across species. It’s not based on language like French, German or Italian.
- It’s the language of unconditional love, which means that everyone can do it.
- It’s based on the transmission of electro-magnetic energy.
- Transmissions are sent and received information in the form of emotions, images, thoughts, physical sensations, smells and tastes, plus inner knowing.
- The more we listen to our intuition on a regular basis the easier it is to develop animal communication.
Some of the benefits of animal communication include:
- Understanding an animal’s thoughts and feelings and working towards resolving concerns or conflicts.
- Understanding the cause of an animal’s separation anxiety or unwanted behaviours and working with them to bring peace and calm.
- Finding lost animals and encouraging them to come home.
- Deepening your relationship with the animals you know and meet.
- Mediating between species within a home.
- Helping your animals understand your absence, holidays, moving home, relationship breakups and relocation
The truth is there is a tremendous power in being able to communicate with animals. It can help you, your animals and the species you encounter. It teaches you to become more aware, more connected and more respectful. As you gain a greater awareness of the interconnected web of life, it inspires you to protect and nourish the natural world.
I encourage you to communicate with your dog. You probably already have a wonderful bond and understanding, but when you start communicating with them using your intuition too, you will witness your relationship growing even deeper.
Communication tips
Start by relaxing in the same space as your animal or holding their photograph, and wait to receive an impression from them in the form of an emotion, physical sensation, thought, image, smell or taste. Trust and go with what your receiving through your senses.
Focused or yogic breathing will help you relax your body and your mind at the same time. Try noticing the air travelling in and out of your nostrils to help you reach a state of relaxation.
2. Consider Your Approach
All effective communication comes from an approach of neutrality: where there is no desire to change behaviour, criticise an action, or dominate in any way. Base all your communications on a solid foundation of unconditional love.
3. Be Present
Animals know when you are present with them or when you’re distracted. Human beings suffer from a malady described by Buddhists as ‘monkey mind’ where our thoughts shift like monkeys swinging from tree to tree.
4. Be Still
How still do you feel inside? Do you spend much of your time feeling agitated? Connect with the different elements of nature until you feel your grounded connection with the earth. Fill your body with a sense of stillness.
Article by Pea Horsley. Pea is the founder of Animal Thoughts, an international teacher, TEDx speaker, wild animal retreats facilitator and author of the best-selling book: Animal Communication Made Easy. Visit for more information.